I just watched "How I met your mother" just now it is about how Ted bring a wrong girl to the Farhampton's lighthouse and although it has a breathtaking scenery, but with wrong people, you just can't feel it. the next two years, he bring "The Mother" and how the click together and he propose and of course she said yes.
For some reason, I do have connection with Ted, who is for 8 seasons, keep looking for "the one" and sometimes he was tired and give-up and his hope to meet "the one" keeps him alive.
I do love Ted, he is an architect, which I love and he is kind, funny and good with kids. There is one episode where he met his ex-fiance, Stella and Stella just told her to hold on because the mother of his children is running to him as fast as she can. I like to believe the man of my dream is running to me as fast as he can, but what I'm afraid if I was running from him as fast as I can.
Although, I'm old enough but believe or not I never fall in love a day in my life, that is why one of my friend told me that the reason I behave like a child or still not matured enough because my heart is never been broken. I don't know whether it is true or not but I would like to get my heart broken if I can be matured and think like an adult. Then I can do my job better and not doubting myself again and again whetther should I move on or not. But the thing that stop me is I have put shield around me because I don't want to get hurt. I saw people around me crumble when they lost their loves and I just thought I can't do that to myself, I'm not strong enough.
So, here I am still looking and haven't got clue what I want in my life. I know what I want, which is to drop everything and travel the world but I know that is not what people expected of me. People around me would like to see me to have a family, and I know they means well, so that there will be somebody to look after me. To tell the truth it is scare that I don't feel to have family yet when I'm getting old and all inside my mind is where to travel next. As I mentioned before, I start to travel by myself when I was 27, which is very late and I just wish that I have travel earlier and then I can complete all my dream places and settle down early. Now, my time is short and I have 1001 travel plans that need to be complete. It is like I'm making up for the time that has lost and was in the dark.
Perhaps, that should be my next year resolution, to be brave enough to open my heart to anyone who deserve it. I achieve my dream to go to Europe this year. If I have the courage to go to the foreign places alone, I should have brave enough to accept someone in my life right?
Well, time shall see whether I'm bold enough to do it. I hope like Ted, I will be able to tell my children how I met their father. It won't take 9 years to tell them, I promise. Wish me all the best guys!